This is my WordPress site, where I can record things of interest to me and which may be of interest to others. A personal Blog[Web Log] so to speak.
I welcome your input, comments and feedback about any of the entries.
I will mostly be writing about my interests and hobbies, things I run across that I think are worth mentioning and general observations about everyday life.
You will now find Dan & Connies Recipes under Other/Recipes.
Regular posts will be journaled on the Blog page, the most recent being on the top. You can further search for posts using keywords, the available tags or categories.
The cover picture is a panorama of the Brandner Glacier as seen from the Mannheimer Hütte. You can see the edge of the Hut on the right, and the tall peak on the left is the Schesaplana(9,724 feet [2,964 m]), the tallest peak in the Austrian state of Voralberg.